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New to Chiropractic? What to Expect

New here? Welcome! 
As a provider of vitalistic chiropractic care, the first visit establishes the beginning of the healing journey with us. When scheduling the first visit online, please select the best fit for you - Adult, Pregnancy, or Child under 12 years old. Intake paperwork will be provided online for your convenience ahead of the visit. During our encounter, we listen to your story and get to know each other clearer. We seek to provide a thorough understanding of what makes you, you  and discover more about Post-exploration, I will illuminate your path with a bespoke diagnosis, unveiling a unique treatment frequency tailored to your vital force. This plan will encapsulate our gathering for guiding you and your family toward steps of profound well-being.

You will need to call to schedule your first visit with Dr. Brooke, or you can schedule online to be taken to the first visit scheduling options.


** Only current patients can schedule standard adjustments via the established appointments link **

First Consultation &


Dr. Brooke takes the lead in conducting a comprehensive evaluation, thoroughly examining your medical history and performing physical examinations. She offers personalized nutritional guidance, emotional support, and valuable medical advice on immunizations, safe practices, and childbirth planning. Dr. Brooke ensures your concerns are addressed and continues to support you through follow-up appointments, personalized care, and emotional well-being assistance, ensuring your overall health and peace of mind.

Osteopath at Work

Pregnancy Consultation &


Dr. Brooke takes charge of the initial pregnancy adjustment and consultation, conducting a thorough evaluation that includes reviewing medical history, performing physical examinations, providing guidance on prenatal vitamins and nutrition, discussing screening tests and immunizations, offering advice on pregnancy do’s and don’ts, providing emotional well-being support, exploring birth plans, addressing concerns, and scheduling follow-up appointments. Under her guidance, expectant mothers receive holistic care, ensuring their well-being throughout their pregnancy journey.

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Pregnancy Consultation &


Dr. Brooke conducts a thorough Pediatric Assessment, covering medical history, physical exams, developmental evaluations, and offering parental guidance. Under her care, your child receives medical attention including growth monitoring, behavioral advice, and addressing any concerns you may have. Dr. Brooke ensures continuous support through follow-up appointments, providing ongoing personalized care, and addressing both medical and developmental needs, ensuring your child's well-being and proper growth.


Complete New Patient Intake Form

Dr. Brooke will provide you with an intake form along with a new patient questionnaire to gain a deeper understanding of your healthcare needs.

Thanks for submitting!

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